The easiest way
you see 4D : take a coin to make it rotate around its own axis
, you will see the sphere!
Why when the coin stop the moviment, you could see the sphere ? !
Why it only exists in motion . When a coin spins it creates a frequency . The frequency is a function of the period , the currency takes time for a walk , turn on itself . That's what Einstein called fourth , time . Time only exists while there is movement , speed , V = S / T. If the move to the fourth dimension disappears , ceases to exist , as well as the time ( the fourth in Einstein ) also leaves existr .
And where was she ! ? where is she? ! In your mind ! Everything is in your psyche !
The World In 4D is psychological !
4D everything in motion !
Watch the video below . 2d to 3d to 4d and end . Qdo finished go to the start , you will see the fourth, if you are focused on your world and attentive .
If you still live in 2d, and not entered in the sphere, learn from Dr. Quantum . Enter the wormhole with it and know Karl Sagan :
For never seen a hyper - cube :
Hyper - cube 4d - Tesseract :
In a manner analogous to generate from the plane 4d - circunferency - circle.
If you not see, take a coin and make it rotate around its own axis, you will see the sphere, 4d . ( generated from 3d 4d )
Why when the coin stop the moviment, you could see the sphere ? !
Why it only exists in motion . When a coin spins it creates a frequency . The frequency is a function of the period , the currency takes time for a walk , turn on itself . That's what Einstein called fourth , time . Time only exists while there is movement , speed , V = S / T. If the move to the fourth dimension disappears , ceases to exist , as well as the time ( the fourth in Einstein ) also leaves existr .
And where was she ! ? where is she? ! In your mind ! Everything is in your psyche !
The World In 4D is psychological !
4D everything in motion !
Watch the video below . 2d to 3d to 4d and end . Qdo finished go to the start , you will see the fourth, if you are focused on your world and attentive .
If you still live in 2d, and not entered in the sphere, learn from Dr. Quantum . Enter the wormhole with it and know Karl Sagan :
For never seen a hyper - cube :
Hyper - cube 4d - Tesseract :
In a manner analogous to generate from the plane 4d - circunferency - circle.
If you not see, take a coin and make it rotate around its own axis, you will see the sphere, 4d . ( generated from 3d 4d )
For an
awareness and education planetary ! Now!
Education in the Era Planetary Edgard Morin :
Generating 2d , 2d rotating at 1 , 2 and 3 axes :
Another way to bend and generate 3d 4d :
Another way to fold the third dimension :
U want to see the fourth inside? !
Folding the fourth dimension :
The fourth dimension by Carl Sagan :
The fourth dimension that nobody sees .
Article by Professor Luiz Barco analyzes the concepts of dimension and speaks dimensional geometry , developed by the mathematician Riemann Barnhard .
Over the past 100 years , the concept of scale was developed so that today it is common to speak of mathematical worlds of infinite dimensions and even objects with a fractional number of dimensions . It is true that there are more than 2,000 years , the Greeks , based on the senses and the principles of Euclidean geometry , the most famous mathematician of antiquity grecoromana ( third century BC ) , lived in a three-dimensional world . They watched as we today , a world full of objects with length, width and height - three dimensional. Natural, therefore , to consider the universe that contains these objects also in three dimensions . For Euclid, these attributes - length, width and height - correspond to what we call mathematically dimension . Thus , the line becomes the object model with only one dimension , it has only the length .
The flat objects have length and width , and then the plan becomes the model of things in two dimensions . As for the solids, and length and width , height and also have finished are examples of three-dimensional objects . Thus , the mathematicians of the time of Euclid agree with common sense that the universe is 3 - D ( three-dimensional ) . This vision lasted for centuries and celebrated history records some objections to the idea of a fourth dimension . One is attributed to the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy, who pondered : if you can draw in space if it is possible we draw within three axes perpendicular to each other , can not yet be perpendicular to the other three .
It is curious , but not always who speculates with ideas considered bizarre , that years later end up incorporand0 to science are scientists . An example of this appears in the book foresaw Bridges to infinity , Michael Guillem , when comes to the topic dimensions . He reports that the English philosopher Henry More (1614-1687) insisted on the existence of ghosts who inhabit the fourth dimension were repulsed in scientific centers .
An exemplary case of this prejudice is the mathematician and philosopher René Descartes : expanding the language of Euclidean geometry , he saw arise the possibility of a fourth dimension and promptly rejected by judge it unrealistic . In Descartes invented analytic geometry , the dimensions of an object correspond to the number of coordinates necessary to describe clearly their point is well determined by longitude and latitude . The plan is two-dimensional , ie, two numbers arranged according to a convention , determine a point that plan . Likewise , a solid is three-dimensional - three ordered numbers locate each of its points . As highlighted Guillem , it was two different approaches : the Euclid was qualitative , seated on the qualities of form - length, width and height , to Descartes , quantitative matter the number of coordinates to describe the object well . An interpreted our sensory experiences , the other our understanding logic.
It may seem little , but such a change in the vision of the concept of dimension occurred when men were still trapped at the thought Euclidean . And it was easy to see that an object of the fourth dimension is merely a mathematical entity which needs four coordinates to be described adequately . This may seem obvious to the modern student , but was unable to overcome the resistance of the mathematical generation of Descartes and that followed , to accept the logical possibility of the existence of something they could not see .
Less than a century and a half , however , Bernhard Riemann , young German mathematician , to extend the geometry of Euclid and Descartes , developed in detail the idea of a four-dimensional geometry . More than that: it proved that Euclidean geometry is one of many equally logical and consistent geometries that refer to spaces of any number of dimensions , from zero to infinity . Seed planted by Riemann in 1854 , was born a fruit harvested by Albert Einstein in 1915 . He showed that , although our universe looks like a 3 - D array , is , in fact , 4 - D . By extending the notion of dimension he gave the first step to realize the spacetime manifold that is the Universe . Each of its determines the time is right . Ptolemy but was not entirely wrong : a ruler measuring length, width and height are not the same measuring time.
Luiz Barco is a professor at the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo .
Education in the Era Planetary Edgard Morin :
Generating 2d , 2d rotating at 1 , 2 and 3 axes :
Another way to bend and generate 3d 4d :
Another way to fold the third dimension :
U want to see the fourth inside? !
Folding the fourth dimension :
The fourth dimension by Carl Sagan :
The fourth dimension that nobody sees .
Article by Professor Luiz Barco analyzes the concepts of dimension and speaks dimensional geometry , developed by the mathematician Riemann Barnhard .
Over the past 100 years , the concept of scale was developed so that today it is common to speak of mathematical worlds of infinite dimensions and even objects with a fractional number of dimensions . It is true that there are more than 2,000 years , the Greeks , based on the senses and the principles of Euclidean geometry , the most famous mathematician of antiquity grecoromana ( third century BC ) , lived in a three-dimensional world . They watched as we today , a world full of objects with length, width and height - three dimensional. Natural, therefore , to consider the universe that contains these objects also in three dimensions . For Euclid, these attributes - length, width and height - correspond to what we call mathematically dimension . Thus , the line becomes the object model with only one dimension , it has only the length .
The flat objects have length and width , and then the plan becomes the model of things in two dimensions . As for the solids, and length and width , height and also have finished are examples of three-dimensional objects . Thus , the mathematicians of the time of Euclid agree with common sense that the universe is 3 - D ( three-dimensional ) . This vision lasted for centuries and celebrated history records some objections to the idea of a fourth dimension . One is attributed to the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy, who pondered : if you can draw in space if it is possible we draw within three axes perpendicular to each other , can not yet be perpendicular to the other three .
It is curious , but not always who speculates with ideas considered bizarre , that years later end up incorporand0 to science are scientists . An example of this appears in the book foresaw Bridges to infinity , Michael Guillem , when comes to the topic dimensions . He reports that the English philosopher Henry More (1614-1687) insisted on the existence of ghosts who inhabit the fourth dimension were repulsed in scientific centers .
An exemplary case of this prejudice is the mathematician and philosopher René Descartes : expanding the language of Euclidean geometry , he saw arise the possibility of a fourth dimension and promptly rejected by judge it unrealistic . In Descartes invented analytic geometry , the dimensions of an object correspond to the number of coordinates necessary to describe clearly their point is well determined by longitude and latitude . The plan is two-dimensional , ie, two numbers arranged according to a convention , determine a point that plan . Likewise , a solid is three-dimensional - three ordered numbers locate each of its points . As highlighted Guillem , it was two different approaches : the Euclid was qualitative , seated on the qualities of form - length, width and height , to Descartes , quantitative matter the number of coordinates to describe the object well . An interpreted our sensory experiences , the other our understanding logic.
It may seem little , but such a change in the vision of the concept of dimension occurred when men were still trapped at the thought Euclidean . And it was easy to see that an object of the fourth dimension is merely a mathematical entity which needs four coordinates to be described adequately . This may seem obvious to the modern student , but was unable to overcome the resistance of the mathematical generation of Descartes and that followed , to accept the logical possibility of the existence of something they could not see .
Less than a century and a half , however , Bernhard Riemann , young German mathematician , to extend the geometry of Euclid and Descartes , developed in detail the idea of a four-dimensional geometry . More than that: it proved that Euclidean geometry is one of many equally logical and consistent geometries that refer to spaces of any number of dimensions , from zero to infinity . Seed planted by Riemann in 1854 , was born a fruit harvested by Albert Einstein in 1915 . He showed that , although our universe looks like a 3 - D array , is , in fact , 4 - D . By extending the notion of dimension he gave the first step to realize the spacetime manifold that is the Universe . Each of its determines the time is right . Ptolemy but was not entirely wrong : a ruler measuring length, width and height are not the same measuring time.
Luiz Barco is a professor at the School of Communications and Arts at the University of São Paulo .
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